Our friends in Ukraine

For those of you who have been involved with, or following our projects for a while, you may have been worried about the several youth groups and community organisations we support in Ukraine.

Our heartfelt sympathies go out to all those who have been hurt or killed in the recent turmoil and violence there, and to those who love them. We have of course been wishing for a rapid, peaceful solution, and naturally welcome today’s news regarding elections — although Aid Convoy absolutely does not adopt any partisan stance.

Meanwhile though, we have been in touch with our friends in the country in recent days, and can happily report that the current machinations have not significantly affected the cities or villages where they are based; these are primarily somewhat north of Kiev (close to Chernobyl in particular), a fair distance from the present violence.

Pakistan 2014

We are pleased to announce that we anticipate participating in a major delivery of 100 ambulances filled with medical equipment, the destination for which will be the impoverished southern regions of Pakistan, which continue to suffer ever since the catastrophic floods of 2010.

The vast majority of the aid will be shipped by the most efficient means — literally by ship. However, a small contingent of around 20 vehicles will be taken in the traditional convoy style in order to generate publicity and raise funds along the way.

We are delighted to be able to offer our convoy expertise to our partners from The Aid Team in this endeavour. They have already completed one successful mission to Pakistan and have become involved in several local projects there. We look forward to sharing first-hand information about them when our team return.

Our volunteers expect to set off in August 2014.